Thursday, August 17, 2006

Day 3 Comes to an End

School day #3 is over, only 172 days (with kids) left for all the other teachers but me. If this next baby comes on time, not early, I will only be there for 135-140 more days. Day 3 was a lot less tiring than day 4, because I had my planning at the end of the day and could sit down and get work done instead of standing and teaching till 3:25. Bekah took an earlier nap, so hopefully I can get her to go to sleep at a decent hour, unlike last night. I just finished giving her a bath because she decided she needed to put a nickle in her mouth and chocked on it and threw up all over my bed and floor in my room. What fun!! I'm just thankful that I didn't get sick and throw up too. I was even able to finish eating my dinner afterwards. Little blessings.
Have a great Friday all my teacher friends out there!!!

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