Sunday, January 21, 2007

3 hour glucose test tomorrow

Please pray for me tomorrow morning as I will be taking my 3 hour glucose test. I am very nervous about it. I have been watching my carbs and sugar intake very, very closely since Wednesday morning. I have been eating between 80-100 g of carbs per day, (1 plain Panera bagel has 61 g of carb), and 20-30 g of sugar per day, if not less. (1 Yoplait yogurt whip has 23 g of sugar) Aren't you proud of me???
When I took the 1 hour test on Wednesday, I did not expect to be over the limit. I didn't have any trouble with Bekah, and I feel as though I've been eating very similarly.
Needless to say, I am worried about being over and having to do this diet for 10 weeks!! If you have a chance say a little prayer for me.


Shoemaker Family said...

I'll be praying for you today!

Gene and Annie said...

I will definitely send my prayers your way this morning!!